5 Warning Signs of Alcoholism: Know When You Have a Problem
An alcohol use disorder can be subtle or obvious. In either case, you may convince yourself you don’t have a problem with alcohol when in reality, you do. If you’re wondering if your drinking habits have gone too far to the point that they’re threatening your health or putting you in danger, read on to learn 5 warning signs of alcoholism that will help you determine when and if you have a problem.
Magnolia Recovery is a safe, temptation-free environment outside of Charleston, SC for women to work through the 12-steps. Contact us to learn more.
What is Alcoholism?
First of all, what is alcoholism? Alcoholism, or an alcohol use disorder, occurs when your body becomes so accustomed to the effects of alcohol that you become dependent on it as a substance just to function. It can negatively impact your health in the long and short term, and it can also place you in dangerous situations or cause strife in relationships you once valued.
Even if family members caution you, you may be in denial about your problems with alcohol. There are certain warning signs that can help you determine if you are facing alcoholism or not.
Lying About Drinking
You know you have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol when you lie to family and friends about your level of alcohol consumption. If you feel the need to be dishonest to family or friends about how much or when you’re drinking, it’s clear that you understand you are drinking in a way that is unhealthy or excessive, or at the very least, a little bit shameful.
Covering Up Drinking
Similarly, it is also a tell-tale sign of alcoholism if you hide or cover up your drinking or are being secretive about how much you drink. Drinking in secret is a sign that you are using alcohol for reasons other than simply enjoying the taste or enjoying a social event with friends.
Drinking So Much That You Black Out
Not only is drinking to the point of blacking out extremely dangerous for your health, but it’s also a sign that drinking has become out of control for you. A healthy, moderate relationship with alcohol doesn’t involve drinking in a way that is excessive to this degree. Drinking to the point of passing out isn’t something a person does for the fun of it, so there are underlying, serious reasons that are causing you to treat alcohol this way.
Alcohol Begins To Impact Your Relationships
Another sign that you’re toeing the line with alcoholism is when alcohol begins to impact your relationships. Whether you’re fighting with a loved one over how much or how often you drink, or if alcohol is causing you to treat your loved ones poorly, these signs make it clear that you’re placing alcohol before your relationships, which is a serious problem.
Recovery Can Help You Restore Your Life
These five warning signs of alcoholism can quickly overtake your life and spiral out of control, so it’s important you can recognize them to identify when you have a problem. Magnolia Recovery can help you when you’ve found it impossible to quit drinking on your own or you need help to regain the balance you lost when you began drinking excessively. Contact us today to learn more.