Cocaine & Crack Addiction Recovery

Cocaine and crack are among the most commonly abused substances. They cause serious addictions and frequently destroy the health of those who use them. These drugs don’t discriminate—anyone can become addicted to cocaine and crack. The psychological and physical effects are damaging and potentially life-threatening, but there is hope in recovery and sobriety.

Magnolia Recovery is a 12-Step Immersion home offering a safe, temptation free environment outside of Charleston, SC to work through the 12-steps. Contact us to learn more.

About Cocaine & Crack

You often hear of cocaine and crack associated closely with one another. But are they the same thing?

Cocaine is a stimulant that is derived from the coca plant, which is found mostly in South America. It is extremely addictive and can be smoked or snorted as a fine white powder.

Crack is essentially cocaine powder, but it is mixed with water and either ammonia or baking soda to crystalize the powder, which can be smoked, snorted or injected.

Though they look different, both crack and cocaine include the same damaging substance and can result in severe health consequences.

Cocaine & Crack Addiction

Dopamine release is what causes addiction. Eventually, as someone uses more and more crack or cocaine, they need more of the substance to get the same biological and psychological effects. Though the pleasurable effects last less than half an hour, physical effects of the drugs can last several hours after use. 

Though found in different forms, both crack and cocaine—regardless of how they are consumed—are addictive because they cause an incredibly high rate of dopamine production in the brain.This is the chemical that is active in the pleasure center of the brain. Crack and cocaine also have the effect of halting the brain from releasing dopamine as it’s produced, enhancing the pleasurable effect of these drugs.

Addiction Symptoms

Worst of all, physical effects of the drug can be long-lasting and life-threatening. Immediately after use, the individual may experience anxiety, dilated pupils, and increased blood pressure.

In the long-term, health consequences include seizures, heart disease, aggression, negative mood changes, and lung damage. In addition, those who use these drugs also constantly face the risk of death by overdose—or of obtaining crack or cocaine that has been laced with deadly fentanyl.

Recovery Options

Though the risks and damaging effects of a crack or cocaine addiction are serious and scary, there are a number of recovery options that you can pursue for yourself or a loved one. Withdrawal symptoms can be very difficult, and can include fatigue, depression, anxiety, and irritability, so it’s very important to have as much support as possible from a variety of angles. 

Medication to help withdrawal symptoms. While there currently aren’t any drugs that can directly treat cocaine addiction, medical professionals may administer certain medications to help the individual manage withdrawal symptoms. This should be only a small part of addiction treatment.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This type of therapy can be used together with inpatient or outpatient programs. It can help you avoid relapse by giving you the tools and skills you need to manage stress, handle temptation, and work on alleviating the original causes of your addiction.

Sober living facility. Spending time at a sober living facility like Magnolia Farm can provide a focused, supportive environment where you can pursue sobriety and work through a 12 Step program. 


Find Hope in Sobriety

Crack and cocaine addictions can derail your life and damage relationships and health, but there is hope in sobriety. Magnolia Farm can help you break free of this addiction and live a full, vibrant, and healthy life. At Magnolia Recovery, you’ll be surrounded by like-minded women pursuing a life free from addiction in the tranquil environment you need to work on your health and address the underlying causes of your addiction.

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